Life Is a JOURNEY. To become the leader God has created you to be, you must acknowledge you are in a specific journey. Individually, we all have our individual journey and collectively, we have our collective journey. You are not here by accident. You are not a product of mistake. The Past, present and future exist for the sake of this journey. You are coming from some where to be here and you are moving to some where. Either you like it or yes, you are on a journey into your place of leadership..
Individually, we all have different specific, detailed and unique pattern for this individual journey. You were born into the journey and you were created for this journey. There is a blueprint for this individual journey called LIFE. It’s a journey from ignorance to knowledge. It’s a journey from immaturity to maturity. It’s a journey from the past to the future. It’s a journey from God’s plan into the reality of God’s plan. Understanding this principle and operating in them brings you to the place of you becoming the leader you were born to become..
Life is a WOMAN
Life gives birth to whatsoever you invest into her. She reproduces, she bears fruits, she nurtures, and train you BASE on what you have invested into her. It’s a give and take principle. It’s a seed and harvest principle. What you give to her is what she will multiple for you, either good of bad. Being 100% responsible depends on the quality of time and investment you choose to offer yourself.
This is LIFE according to my knowledge needed by a leader (you).
Let’s go to the next point which is MIND-SET
With the understanding of LIFE, how are you supposed to think as the leader God has created you to become?
According to the scripture “AS A MAN THINKS, SO HE IS” this is so powerful. The scripture did not say as a man thinks in his heart, SO HE WILL BECOME. It did not say, as a man thinks in his heart, SO HE SHALL BECOME. The scripture said, AS A MAN THINKS in his heart SO HE IS. All you are and have become is what you author or design to be through how you think. THE FIRST PERSON FOR YOU TO BLAME IS YOU. THE FIRST PEOPLE YOU SHOULD LOVE IS YOUR SELF. THE FIRSTS PERSON YOU SHOULD HELP IS YOU.
How do you think? Who set the standard of your mind-set? Who do you really think you are? How much value do you place on your self? What do you really think about yourself?
The scripture says, as a man thinks IN HIS HEART. Either people doubt you or despise you, what you think IN YOUR OWN HEART is what is going to count. Stop being worried about what people think about you and focus on how God wants you to think.
You are a solution to a specific issue on the surface of the earth here and it is your duty to take care of you. You need to come to take your life serious and start asking the Lord to teach you the wisdom behind your passion, zeal and inspiration.
It’s time for you to lead your self through the word of God.
What is leadership?
Leadership is a platform of influence and inspiration of becoming great and helping other people to become as great as you are. Leadership is specific, detailed and has a defined plan that must be executed.
Why is a leader needed?
A leader is needed for clarity, direction, instruction, setting the pace, protecting, nurturing, training and defending his territory. He sets the balance, provides security, add value and improves whatsoever he governs.
How is leader in nature?
A leader is focus, determine and focus on the plan, purpose and the assignment behind his leadership. He or she lives a conscious life that is defined by the plans and the assignment behind his or her leadership.
There is a specific plan and assignment in Gods mind before he created you. There is an unfolding of his plan needed on earth and that’s what prompts your existence here on earth. You are here to do some that has not being done before. You are original and you’re in your own uniqueness.
Who is the leader?
You are the leader and God created you that way. Your uniqueness, talent, creativity, ideas, attitude, mind-set..etc were given to you by for leadership.
Where are you expected to leader?
You were created to lead your self in the place of your TALENT. You were created to lead your self in the place of your CREATIVITY. You were created to lead your self in the place of your IDEAS. You were created to lead your self in the place of your ATTITUDE. You were created to lead your self in the place of your SKILLS. You were created to lead your self SPIRITUALLY. You were created to lead your self PHYSICALLY. You were created to lead your self SOCIALLY. You were created to lead your self MENTALLY.
When can you start leading?
You choose to take taking your life serious through you cooperating with the Holy Spirit and God’s word. The word of God contains the plan and the assignment behind your leadership. Leading your self into the fulfillment of Gods word is the greatest task of all
Jesus loves you so much!
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