Leadership is all about you becoming the vision and expressing the vision.
Vision is the understanding of what God has called you to become and do.
Vision and calling is the foundation of your leadership.
What's your calling?
What's your vision?
Every body is a leader but only few gets to discover this vision and calling?
Some people discover their calling and vision but few ends up becoming the vision and calling.
Leadership is all about BECOMING AND DOING.
Who are you becoming?
Shifting blames on people and making excuses is the fastest way of killing your chances of becoming the leader God has created you to become.
In leadership, it's either your choice or fault.
Be you
Be the lead you were born to be
Becoming a leader is who you were created to be (either you are male or female)
Becoming the leader you were created to be is in you becoming responsible for your life, words, attitudes, and decision.
Are you responsible?
Dare to be!
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